Physical Self

Don't let this photo discourage you. If this is you on the left, then I am clapping for you. When you look at yourself in the mirror, how do you feel? From a recent Gallup poll of American, 60% said that they were happy with their weight and appearance. With 25% that were seriously trying to lose weight. That means that 40% of Americans are trying to lose weight. the census in the U.S.A. for 2012 said there was just over 313,000,000 people in America. That means that roughly 125 million Americans are unhappy with their weight. Take a second to think about that.........                                                     WOW!!!!! Nearly 50% of Americans are not happy with their weight. We have state of the art equipment to help us, yet people are discouraged to go to the gym to work out. Why? Do you feel like only fit people go to the gym? You think people will make fun of you there? If anything, it's the exact opposite. If I see an overweight person at the gym, I have admiration for that person. They are taking control of their life and gettting out there.

I was one of those overweight Americans not too long ago. I have been overweight since I was 11 years old. Never  obese, just always overweight. In University I managed to slim down a bit, but of course I put it all back on. My wife has helped to motivate me to be a better me. And that includes getting fit. She is a runner. She could not run for a year, and then go fun a 10k for fun. I have been enjoying watching myself improve with my running. I even went as far as running the equivalent of a half marathon.

To be fit and healthy just makes the rest of your life easier. You have more energy for daily activities, you feel happier and just your outlook on life seems better. This isn't my opinion, it's science. You can't argue with science.....

There are many ways to improve your physical self. 

Cardio~~Strength Training~~Yoga~~Plyometrics~~Diet~~Nutrition

I am not merely suggesting that if you start running that your life will get better. What I can say is that this is one area of your life, that is neglected, can stop you from being the best you. And that is all this blog is about. It's about finding and sharing ways to be the best possible you that you can be. Why settle for less? Why wouldn't you want to see what your body can accomplish if you just stop saying "No". God gave us this body and we are in charge to treat it as the temple that it is. Do you take care of your body as much as your other possessions? Your TV? Your car? Your body is the only thing that you can't return or take back when it falls apart. Your body's "repair man" is exercise, and you have to be willing to set up to make your own changes.

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