Financial Self

Every personal goal in life is to go from:

Financial Troubles ----> Financial Independence

For those of you that are like me, You have made it to age 30 and have not much to show for it. You don't have a savings account or you struggle each and every month. I have had a spiritual awakening and after getting married I have realized that I am not only responsible for myself, but for my family....

I will share all forms of advice for your financial self, and pass on whatever information that I found out to you all. I hope to be a "How To" source for someone that has tons of credit card debt and student loans, but can still live a bountiful and joyous life. I will post blogs that can help people in many different situations, that can answer questions that the everyday person doesn't have access to, and offer advice to help you climb from the basement into a comfortable living situation.

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